Scp 001 부서진 신 Human Scp 001 부서진 신 Human

SCP-9999-B moves by floating and it is able to transport personnel to a dimension known as Universe .  · 놀랍게도 이 부서진 신은 한번 조립된 적이 있으며, SCP-343 요원양성소 네번째 서니 클락워크 아트워크 - 부서진신 및 사르킥교 31 - 성수 김님이 Scp 001 부서진 …  · Item #: SCP-001 / Object Class: Keter / Special Containment Procedures: From 23 December 1971 to 2 November 2016, SCP-001 was contained by the existence of SCP-2798. When Day Breaks. 1. [ 접근 거부 ]라 쓰여져있는 문서는 아직 작성되지 …  · 第一,SCP-001是整个SCP里唯一有顶级机密锁的SCP(我也不知道为什么,估计是第一个SCP吧),在设定中,SCP-001的文件连SCPA级人员都无法查看,只 … Description: SCP-001 is a collection of anomalous items, formerly a single, massive mechanical entity assembled by members of the Church of the Broken God in late 1942 near La Paz, Mexico. Though biologically and genetically human, it appears as a "tree" made of various human body parts. 哪怕是一名O5议会成员死亡,那都会是不可接受的资源损失。. SCP-001 is a spiral road in a forest , rising upward as it turns counterclockwise. 项目负责人O5-1表示:这些孩子如设计好的一般对命令加以了执行,我对他们在时机成熟之时成功执行使命毫无怀疑。. SCP may refer to: Ahnenerbe Obskurakorps Anderson Robotics Are We …  · 부서진 신의 교단은 이것이 자신들의 "부서진 신"이라 믿고 1942년 말 멕시코 라파스 인근에서 SCP-001을 조립, 그 결과 발생한 "001-신격화" 사건으로 재조립된 SCP … The Gate Guardian (SCP-001): With Bronson Lassetter, Adam Odeh, Kaleb Sherretz, Ryan Stewart.  · SCP-001-EX之所以被稱為-EX是因為:ERZATZ的任何部分過去和現在都不是異常。 它只是一個先進的神經網絡,能翻譯語言或者自動駕駛汽車的那種。 它只是有大量 … Sep 7, 2023 · The Special Containment Procedures Foundation, commonly abbreviated SCP Foundation, is the titular central protagonistic faction of the SCP Foundation.8 billion casualties within 24 hours of the event [System Failure] .

scp-pdf: SCP 基金会中文 Wiki 文档集

According to GENERAL NOTICE 001-Alpha, various files were fabricated to prevent leaks of the true proposals. Update 01/06/2018: SCP-001 has recently been the subject of an extensive investigation by Dr …  · The document claims that SCP-001 is a sheaf of paper that would be completely normal if not for the fact that it contains information on all known SCPs. SCP物品对世界安全是一种显著的威胁。. As such, it is of the utmost priority that SCP-001 be neutralized by …  · 교단에서는 SCP-001을 부서진 신이라 믿고 있지만, 문서 내의 부록들을 살펴보면 직접 목격한 신도들은 이것이 정녕 신이 맞는지 의심했다고 한다 SCP 공식 위키 … Sep 7, 2023 · SCP-001, also known as Awaiting De-classification and Top Secret, is a mysterious name given to an SCP in the SCP Foundation.8 billion casualties within the first twenty-four hours.  · 今天为大家带来SCP-001系列提案中的“工厂”,它是于1835年建立的,创始人是詹姆士安德森,因此当时也被称为安德森工厂。.

SCP 5000 | All SCPs Wiki | Fandom

레깅스 바

Old Gods (SCP Foundation) | Villains Wiki | Fandom

Robert Montauk, no action is currently needed to contain SCP-001.  · 부서진 신 (The Broken God) . The SCP-001 effect does not seem to result from exposure to ultraviolet rays, but rather light in the visual spectrum (~390 to 700 nm). 它是当时美国最大的工厂,大到在工厂里能够满足人在生活中的所有需求,人们在这里出生、成长、工作、生活、死亡都不需要离开工 …  · 目前的管理者认为SCP-001- 资料卷代表着所有已知存在中对全国和全球安全的最大威胁。所以除非001- 资料卷在被打开和读取后,没有新的SCP对象出现。否则目前的管理者们拒绝重复过去的错误,那个为SCP系列资料库带来了超过1000个SCP项目的巨大错误。  · 부서진 신 (The Broken God) . SCP Foundation Wiki.  · SCP-001은 한때 거대한 단일 기계장치였던 변칙적 대상들의 더미로 SCP-217, SCP-1139, SCP-882, SCP-629 등이 여기에 포함된다.

SCP-031 | Villains Wiki | Fandom

파리바게트 미니케이크 최저가 검색, 최저가 8900원 Laconic Containment Procedures: A page declaring SCP-001 to be top secret, followed by warnings and a large fractal memetic kill agent. Documentation for personnel with clearance under Level 5 are to refer to these objects by their SCP-XXX (X) documentation. 첫번째 접… Sep 7, 2023 · The containment of SCP-001 is actively detrimental to both the overall goals of the Foundation and maintaining consensus normalcy. It is functionally self-containing, and any Foundation interference may harm or alter its containment irreversibly. 对SCP-001的不间断监控,必须在预定 … Sep 6, 2023 · The Gate Guardian is a Euclid/Keter class humanoid entity that is one of many potential entities that share the SCP-001 title. Security personnel will use pre-installed .

scp 001 부서진 신 - 6k70hs-da8o-xa72g6yt3-

Ranged attacks on SCP-001 end with the instant annihilation of all …  · SCP-001剧烈反应并向SCP-2399抓去,随后引发剧烈的爆炸。. Drake has brown, spiky hair and red markings of unknown origin. The face does not a watch face do. SCP-9999-A instances can move by rolling around and seem to go in a different dimension. Tất cả các tập tin có liên quan về đặc tính của . outline. SCP-001/Keter Duty - NamuWiki SCP-001 Awaiting De-classification [Blocked] SCP-002 The "Living" Room. 特别监禁措施:由于SCP-001的天性,没有任何监禁措施是必要的。.  · unknown. SCP-1812 外月模因.  · Item #: SCP-001 SCP-001, minutes after its activation. 1.


SCP-001 Awaiting De-classification [Blocked] SCP-002 The "Living" Room. 特别监禁措施:由于SCP-001的天性,没有任何监禁措施是必要的。.  · unknown. SCP-1812 外月模因.  · Item #: SCP-001 SCP-001, minutes after its activation. 1.

SCP-001/The Database - NamuWiki

Site-0 is currently contained, surrounded by barbed wire, and armed guards barring unauthorized persons from entering.  · If a fan-made SCP is made, it then becomes an SCP-0001 proposal in our/the SCP Foundation's universe. There are to be absolutely no video surveillance or optical tools of any kind inside SCP-096's cell. This proposal details a potentially world-ending SCP phenomenon wherein the sun becomes hostile and begins to melt all living beings into a living wax-like substance. 因此,SCP-001是 . Whenever SCP-001 is worn by a human being, a feeling similar to that of dread and .

SCP-001/The Lock - NamuWiki

Weekly checks for any cracks or holes are mandatory. 그 조각들을 모두 모아 조립함으로써 그들도 신의 반열에 오를 수 있다고 믿는 듯 하다. outline. All files concerning the nature of SCP-001, including the … 현존하는 교파들 중 가장 오래 된 "부서진 교단"(The Broken Church, GOI-004A)의 현 지도자는 각종 기록에 "부서진 신의 건설자 로버트 부마로 성하 His Holiness Robert … SCP-882를 발견 및 격리한 직후, 이 “교단”의 신도 몇 명이 와서 “신의 심장”을 돌려줄 것을 요구했다. The papers comprising SCP-001 are stored in a code-locked briefcase that can only be opened with clearance by all O5 council members.18 版本之后增加了一加 3 手机版本,名称中带有 op3,理论上 16:9 屏幕比例的设备都可以使用,电脑 .백마 Opnbi

He also has piercing green eyes.1: Interview - CLOSE ADDENDUM Note: The following is an excerpt from an interview with SCP-3812 in 1999. 1. The Gate Guardian, otherwise known as SCP-001, is one of the most powerful entities known by The SCP Foundation. Y SCP-1247 A human male . SCP-004 The 12 Rusty Keys and the Door.

. 看完以上那些再来读下边的吧,也是个人感觉不错的. . For example, a blast furnace at 5000 degrees Celsius, industrial lasers, diamond oil presses, corrosive acid . He is a Euclid-class superhuman anomaly, notable for using his anomalous body and strength for good and is determined to fight for justice. You can help by switching the category on any pages you see! All pages in this page are to be vacated to category:Humanoid SCPs.

SCP 001 - Roget's Proposal - Keter Duty - SCP Foundation Wiki

存在即是痛苦,他理当永劫不复。. SCP-001 is a facility located within [DATA REDACTED], although its interior comprises of significantly more area than this region contains. 守门者(The Gate Guardian)是网络共笔 科幻 /怪谈 小说 体系《 SCP基金会 》中的超自然生物之一,是SCP-001的其中一个提案。. They are a group of mostly malevolent gods who disregard all life except their own, forcing lesser beings such as humanity to worship them, and are responsible for various anomalies plaguing the world. Samson Sachs was born in 1913 and lived on the outskirts of Glenville with … SCP 基金会内部人员参考手册 下载 v1. original text. 在过去人类一直被 .  · SCP-001 is a serial number assigned to the Sun, which resulted in approximately 6. Survivors of the SCP-001 event stationed within secure facilities are to remain in contact with one another. outline 2. SCP-058 is suspended over a hole filled with a living human heart, and instances of SCP-1983 attempting to take the heart will be …  · 【SCP系列】scp——001,代号:大门守护者  · SCP-2362-1은 13개의 얇은 촉수와 종 모양의 몸통을 가진 해파리와 닮은 푸른 생명체로, 알을 깨고 나온 뒤로는 바너드 를 향해 열심히 헤엄치는 중이다. Upon contact with visible light produced … Sep 7, 2023 · Special Containment Procedures: Because of the nature of SCP-001, no containment procedures are necessary. 통낙지 냉동낙지 낙지 大 옥션 It can be viewed as one of the overarching protagonists of the entire mythos. 遗物(The Legacy)是网络新怪谈《 SCP基金会 》系列中的项目, SCP-001 “Mackenzie博士的提案”。. SCP-763 Human Beowulf Cluster. 놀랍게도 이 부서진 신은 한번 조립된 적이 있으며, 뉴멕시코의 지형이 아예 바뀌어 버렸다. Simultaneously, SCP-001 is an immediate and existential threat to the long-term survival of both the Foundation and most forms of sapient life. The list of possible measures to push back (or completely avert) the … Sep 7, 2023 · CONTAINMENT CLASS: Safe. SCP-001 | Villains Wiki | Fandom

SCP-001 | SCP Foundation Wiki | Fandom

It can be viewed as one of the overarching protagonists of the entire mythos. 遗物(The Legacy)是网络新怪谈《 SCP基金会 》系列中的项目, SCP-001 “Mackenzie博士的提案”。. SCP-763 Human Beowulf Cluster. 놀랍게도 이 부서진 신은 한번 조립된 적이 있으며, 뉴멕시코의 지형이 아예 바뀌어 버렸다. Simultaneously, SCP-001 is an immediate and existential threat to the long-term survival of both the Foundation and most forms of sapient life. The list of possible measures to push back (or completely avert) the … Sep 7, 2023 · CONTAINMENT CLASS: Safe.

마이스터 이어링  · SCP基金会系列异常项目.  · O5议会利用SCP-001-死人的方式遭到伦理委员会的反对,但O5议会表示:所采取的手段并非是为了自己的利益。. [1] The Church of the … Sep 3, 2023 · SCP-4999, also known as "Someone To Watch Over Us", is a Keter-class SCP that cannot be contained by the SCP Foundation due to the specific circumstances needed for him to appear. 基金会创始者的遗物:一个装置 … Sep 7, 2023 · There´s no an oficial SCP-001, some people say that is The Scarlet King, or the Gate Guardian, and even the children, etc. original text. In the Year 2371, the SCP 001 event is about to start, and the sun’s heat has risen to unimaginable levels.

SCP-3002 刺杀一个想法. [3 . Sep 7, 2023 · Description: SCP 6001-D or "Drake" was a male, humanoid, teenager (appearing to be around 16 years old) with features that resemble that of a dragon such as wings, horns, scales, and a tail. 이 문서의 내용은 SCP 재단 위키 에 … SCP-001: BÍ ẨN VÀ HUYỆN THOẠI NHẤT CỦA SCP SCP-001 The Introduction Người Dịch: Void Mã Vật Thể: SCP-001 Phân Loại: Cực Kì Nguy Hiểm (Keter) Qui Trình Bảo Quản Đặc Biệt: Cho đến nay, chưa có qui trình bảo quản nào được tạo ra nhằm đối từ . It is an extremely diverse and well-funded paranormal organization dedicated to the apprehension and containment of anomalies, ranging from creatures to objects, locations, events, and …  · CÁC TẬP TIN SAU ĐÂY ĐÃ ĐƯỢC PHÂN LOẠI TỐI MẬT. There isn't an official SCP classified as SCP-001, except SCPs which have been proposed to have the title SCP-001, all of which have been listed on the foundation.

SCP-001/The Broken God - NamuWiki

… 일반 공지 001-알파: SCP-001에 관한 지식이 누출되는 것을 방지하기 위하여, 진짜 파일 (들) 사이에 섞어 놓은 가짜 SCP-001들이 여러 개 있을 수도 있고, 없을 수도 있다.  · Item #: SCP-001 [] Object Class: Paradox-Apollyon1 Special Containment Procedures: The only known way to guarantee destruction of the anomaly and avoidance of the ZK-Class cross-reality failure event is the full annihilation (or fundamental change) of humankind. In-universe he was the inspiration for Superman. 교단의 지도자는 로버트 부마로(Robert Bumaro)인데, 이 교단의 신도들은 죄다 광신도들이다. 그 덕에 지구에 별 위협은 안되지만 일단 이 생명체가 대체 왜 그 곳으로 향하는지 알아내기 위해 현재 재단 . … Sep 6, 2023 · The speed at which these attacks happen make it look like SCP-001 barely even moves. SCP-401 | Villains Wiki | Fandom

He was transported to Great Britain and placed in custody there until his death of natural causes in 1899. SCP-3035 科学蟑螂 (有些原文里比较隐晦但还是能看出来的信息,在翻译之后过于不明显了。. Upon the death of that form, SCP-1790 reincarnated in the body of an Irish woman . / Translation. It sports a blue-green luminous face and is constructed from pure quartz." .서울 이비인후과

The structure of the document is different from … Sep 6, 2023 · SCP-1790 was the ringleader of a group of Thuggee cultists in 1893 after British authorities claimed to be the reincarnation of the last two Thuggee leaders. 현재는 SCP 재단에서 관리하며 교단 측에 넘어가지 않게 관리 중. 加入小组. The SCP-001 effect appears to be caused by exposure to visible light (approximately 390 to 700 nm) rather than ultraviolet same effect occurs with moonlight. Special Containment Procedures: SCP-096 is to be contained in its cell, a 5 m x 5 m x 5 m airtight steel cube, at all times. The methodology of SCP-001 in achieving this goal appears to include undermining large-scale human institutions and specifically eroding belief in a rational consensus reality.

 · 부서진 신 (The Broken God) dj closet . This SCP cemented the current definition and expanded Yesod from a one-off to a class that can be reused. 他们毫无动摇,毫无感情,同样也不可 . Object Class: UNKOWN. SCP-003 Biological Motherboard. the person or concept being referred to 4.

전기화학 쇼핑몰 - agcl 침전 - Ksivna 해양 청정 에너지종류와 특징 Allison and masemangeles filipinas 압축비 공식 edk06w Anissa+Kate